Outdoor Area
Get to know outdoor and container solutions as they appear in reality. The outdoor area of Vendtra completes the trade fair offer and helps to better understand the growing P/O market and to get to know it under real conditions: outdoors, in the outdoor area. Here you will find Operators and self-marketers current solutions and concepts, meet experts who know this segment very well. Learn more about possibilities, sales and opportunities at the Outdoor Area of Vendtra in Munich..

The Outdoor Area of Vendtra is just a few steps away from the exhibition hall in the small Olympic Hall. Visit the trade fair, then stroll to the Outdoor Area and find out about prospects and sophisticated solutions that will add new revenue opportunities to your core business. Here you will meet renowned players who know how the outdoor business works.
Outdoor vending machines, container solutions
The market around P/O vending machines is growing permanently via self-marketers. Farmers, butchers, bakers, winegrowers, stores, organic and food marketers, food retailers, drugstores and pharmacies are among the classic players. The increasing closure of shopping outlets in rural areas opens up completely new perspectives for outdoor and container solutions in 24/7 business. Be part of the changing market and benefit from expert know-how on site in Munich.